The Unclothed

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"Harvesting Consciousness"

Questions absent of explanation,
answers to questions never sought.
Buried truths discovered, like hidden fossils
blanketed by compacted earth and layers of lies.
Apologies incapable of reconstructing the wreckage.
Fractures penetrate deep, beyond the surface.
What was once brimming with love and tenderness,
now reduced to hollow voids.

Rebuilding barricades from demolished remnants.
Developed stronger, reinforced, and unyielding.
By no means to collapse again.
Repulsive choices unable to be reversed,
prevail against being forgotten.

Acceptance, conjoining with forgiveness; the true test.
Surviving torment to uncover the beauty
suppressed by pain.
Like unsolved cosmic mysteries…
Particular questions will always perch in wonderment.

- R. Short