Based in Wilmington, North Carolina, The Unclothed is an online publication written by Rachel Andorfer. Rachel’s straight-forward (and often explicit) stories reveal her earnest and genuine spirit.


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"I Wrote This For You..."

"I Wrote This For You..."

I wrote this for you…

I hold you, 
as you would hold a blanket, fresh out of the dryer. 
Warmly and deeply, taking in its scent, its memories, 
its journey…

I see you, 
as you would see the galaxy for the first time. 
Look straight into the deep darkness,
curiously - not afraid. 

Look with wonderment and awe. 

Amazed by even the smallest of stars. 

I feel you, 
as you would a hot cup of tea. 

Gently place your hands on the outside. 
Embracing the radiant warmth. 
Sipping it slowly, feeling it wash over 
your tongue and warm you from the inside out. 

I love you, 
unconditionally, without question, without hesitation. 

I love you with certainty, with everything that I am. 

And, you, make me so much more.


Burning Sage: Some Christians Repel the Idea, Others Embrace It

Burning Sage: Some Christians Repel the Idea, Others Embrace It

"You Know Which Door"

"You Know Which Door"