Based in Wilmington, North Carolina, The Unclothed is an online publication written by Rachel Andorfer. Rachel’s straight-forward (and often explicit) stories reveal her earnest and genuine spirit.


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"... it's a Saturday, in June"

"... it's a Saturday, in June"

Alright, Universe, this one’s for you.
”I’m not my body. I am not even the mind.”
This took me a long time to understand.
However, what took even longer to understand was that
North has always been in.
In order to get out, we must go in.

It’s true, ya know, that they have been feeding us nothing but lies since the beginning.
To keep us distant and disconnected from nature.
From the universe.
From self.
Always diluting our abilities.
Ostracizing, labeling, and belittling those that fight to conform.
Manipulatively stealing our power and feeding off the created fear and hate.

Alan Watts says it best, “When we confuse science with nature, we are destroying nature.”
I’ve always felt connected with nature.
But, since this deep and dedicated journey in.
These connections have grown and transformed into a level of synchronicity I ever new existed.
I have found solace and comfort in taking large steps back away from propagated society.
And in taking those steps back, I have stumbled into an energy supply driven by going in.
Connecting with Source.
However that may look…

The happenings become beautiful when you have the innerstanding that everything is energy and you are not even your mind.

- R. Short

"Brace for Bloodshed"

"Brace for Bloodshed"

Operation "Restore"

Operation "Restore"