Based in Wilmington, North Carolina, The Unclothed is an online publication written by Rachel Andorfer. Rachel’s straight-forward (and often explicit) stories reveal her earnest and genuine spirit.


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What If You Woke Up Tomorrow With Only What You Thanked God For Today?

What If You Woke Up Tomorrow With Only What You Thanked God For Today?

I’m trying out a new series every Monday where I share two random “thought processes” prompted by my friend’s Annie and Rebecca. Hence “Mindful Monday.” I was raised by a journalist. Writing has always been in my blood. Whether it be in a locked diary, a journalism course in college, or heartfelt posts on social media back when I had it: I’ve always poured my heart out authentically using my words. I genuinely believe its good for your mind, body, and soul. (And yes, I meant to say yours. Mine, for sure, but, yours too).

That said, lets do this shit. I hate intros. The concept is pretty straightforward. And the point is: to encourage you to do it and/or engage in the conversation! We are here to mingle, man. We are here to become mindful humans. We are here to share our minds. But, most of all, we are here to learn how to lead happier, healthier lives so we can better the lives of others who need a village. See how it all goes full-circle? Anyway, have at it!

Join me in answering these each week. You can comment below, right here at The Unclothed, or click the prompts and join the convo in the comment sections on TikTok.

Mindful Monday: 001


Prompt: Make a list of all the things you are grateful for.

Okay, this is fun. What I am going to do is type everything that comes to mind as it comes to my mind. I set a timer for a couple of minutes otherwise I will sit here all damn day hyper-fixating on every single tiny thing that I am grateful for because, well, that’s me. Anyway, lets see how this goes…

  1. My family, and everyone in it.

  2. Good health.

  3. Sunshine.

  4. Freedom.

  5. Water and the earth.

  6. Technology.

  7. A car with wheels to get me around.

  8. My house and home and bed.

  9. The fact I have clothes and shoes and socks and clean undies every day.

  10. My cute squishy vessel that carries me around.

  11. Sight.

  12. Hearing.

  13. Friendship and laughter.

  14. My willpower.

  15. My bravery.

  16. My moral compass.

  17. My humility.

  18. The fact God chose to me and smacked me around a bit.

  19. My Joelle.

  20. My angels and guides.

  21. TikTok- and you!

  22. My creativity.

  23. The fact I am not a liberal.

  24. Seriously.

  25. Good people.

  26. My curious nature.

  27. Holistic health professionals.

  28. Herbs and medicine.

  29. My sense of faith.

  30. That I have experienced many different types of love to the point I know which I prefer and will confidently stay here, forever.

  31. Books.

  32. Bacon. Sorry, I really want to not… but, my cognitive dissonance is still weak in this department.

  33. Discernment.

  34. The art of writing, communication, people.

  35. I love you.

Prompt: Why does our perception of time seem to fluctuate?


Well, now that I know CERN is a real thing, I can’t help but wonder if that has anything to do with it. But without over-thinking, I will stick to the keyword: perception.

I think our perception of time changes because time isn’t real rather daytime and nighttime are. Light and darkness. I mean, you look at people on the east coast and they’re day looks completely different. Their time zone and world and sense of reality is completely different than mine if you’re looking at them both from a birds-eye-view. Same with people over in Japan. Mind you, I’m in North Carolina.

So time, I guess, is perceived differently- always.

The fluctuation within ourselves and our own daily lives is likely because of our own vibration, where we are focusing our energy and how energy is needed to be exuded at once.

Examples: I am sitting in an empty, quiet waiting room while a grown man is sticking a knife in my 4-day-old’s neck. True story. They said it wouldn’t take long. What the fuck is long? I sat there, in a low vibration, depressed, sad, scared, ill. Yet, I still had to exude madddd energy: worry, thoughts, physical health, answering questions, making decisions. Time didn’t move that day. We just kinda hung out in HELL for the whole day.

But then you have my wedding day two years prior. The day I married my fucking soulmate.

Time was in XGAMES mode man. I swear I woke up hungover in the tub crying, walked down the aisle, took a bunch of pictures, ate a great meal, just started to unwind as the buzz finally began to hit and then the night was over.

Yes, it was a beautiful day. Photos really help me with the memories. But, time seemed to move a bit differently that day vs the day Joelle was being put on ECMO.

Maybe because my energy was high, my vibration was high, I had lots of energy to exude so I did and I did it swiftly because my vibration matched. Or maybe my vibration was too high and that’s why it flew by!! Maybe, just maybe, finding that homeostasis.. that sweet spot.. is where it’s at.

Or maybe the government is just fucking with us and we are really tiny little critters in a petri dish legit thinking we are living in a whole ass world when in reality we are like the fuckers in the movie The Village. They just turn on the lights whenever they want and call it Daylight Savings Time. Either way, fun to think about. Great question!

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"Here's the truth of it."

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