The Unclothed

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Technology: Helping or Hurting Meaningful Conversation?

I’m trying out a new series every Monday where I share two random “thought processes” prompted by my friend’s Annie and Rebecca. Hence “Mindful Monday.” I was raised by a journalist. Writing has always been in my blood. Whether it be in a locked diary, a journalism course in college, or heartfelt posts on social media back when I had it: I’ve always poured my heart out authentically using my words. I genuinely believe its good for your mind, body, and soul. (And yes, I meant to say yours. Mine, for sure, but, yours too).

That said, lets do this shit. I hate intros. The concept is pretty straightforward. And the point is: to encourage you to do it and/or engage in the conversation! We are here to mingle, man. We are here to become mindful humans. We are here to share our minds. But, most of all, we are here to learn how to lead happier, healthier lives so we can better the lives of others who need a village. See how it all goes full-circle? Anyway, have at it!

Join me in answering these each week. You can comment below, right here at The Unclothed, or click the prompts and join the convo in the comment sections on TikTok.

Mindful Monday: 002

Prompt: Is technology helping or hurting meaningful conversation?

OoOoO: I love this one. Here’s my hot take.


Yes, technology is a lil’ bitch. It is extremely dangerous while in the hands of evil. We all know this though.

But, we also know that technology is powered by man. All of it. Even AI.

So, that aside, I thank God daily for technology. True story.

I mean, think about it. I am able to relay the most important messages leading to genuine, meaningful conversation every single day. With not just one person but tens-of-thousands. Rapidly and authentically. (Look at us right now).

I find this conversation to be meaningful! (Which, I guess in itself is objective because what is meaningful to me may not be to you, lol).

Is this the same as sitting in the same room as you, experiencing your energy your mannerisms, your scent- all at once. No, absolutely not. But that is a different conversation. That is more about intimacy and human companionship. Can technology harm that- yes? And that is where it gets dangerous in the hands of evil.

SOOOO: I’m gonna settle in at: helping as my final answer, Regis.

Cheers, love you bitch.