Based in Wilmington, North Carolina, The Unclothed is an online publication written by Rachel Andorfer. Rachel’s straight-forward (and often explicit) stories reveal her earnest and genuine spirit.


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"Monday Night"

"Monday Night"

Solids. Stripes
Rack them up right.

Do you really need more chalk,
or at this point, is it a habit to mock?

Just enough follow through to sink the colors in a way
that still leaves the cue ball in play.

The pool stick glides through steady fingers with precision.
You can tell who picks it up out of passions hidden.
Who picks it up with drunk hands; fumbling, laughing, and being careless.
And those who pick it up out of ego. Those just good enough to be dangerous.

Those are the games to watch, if I’m being biased.
The break. It’s always the loudest and always honest.
Explosion of energy, scattering the balls.
Anticipation building watching all the pockets, waiting for a fall.
Waiting for everything to come to a rest.
Stifling the fact that they were impressed.

Eight ball. Side pocket.
Don’t scratch.
Strike it. Just like a match.

-R. Short



"What's The First Thing You Notice About Someone?"

"What's The First Thing You Notice About Someone?"