The Unclothed

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"Perpetual Purpose"

Time doesn’t exist and the last couple days, weeks have been weird, right?

All the energies, the Schumann spikes, the synchronicities…

The collective universal whispers are coming to fruition.

We have tuned into the Divine frequencies; the messages are coming in clear! Like scanning through static to find a radio station. The Ether resides in varying forms, fulfilling particular services. Torsion light energy fields affect time. As Kozyrev found in his studies; the density of time is changed by our thoughts. 

We are excelling our accession. Over-unity is free energy; when output exceeds input through transmutation. Collective mass meditations and shifting of the focus energies, creates reality. The universe always says ‘yes’! Perpetual energy is always potential. Routine and happenstance synchronicities are the yin and the yang. 

Coincidences are not by chance. Everything happens for a reason. With clear sight and ‘2020’ vision, the lenses of indoctrination have been shattered. Seeing now the realms that have always existed. Understanding and remembering that we are here for a purpose. It’s breaking through and far beyond anything that we have been taught to believe as absolute. Escaping that construct, separating from the programming, and abandoning selfish desires, allows the freedom to tap into the sacredness of Source. Thus understanding and utilizing the missing links of it all and the theory to everything. 

Destruction is always loud. But, needed for creation. Trees fall with the sounds of thunder, yet seeds sprout and grow in silence. Duality is needed. Balance is needed. Light can’t exist without darkness. The happenstances of free will is the potential energy intricately weaving into the cosmic routines of perpetual purpose. Becoming the observer of the present happenings allows the communication from the cosmic messengers to be heard. Removing the blocks created by selfish desires and manipulated realities; thus releasing Karma. Trusting fully in the Nirvana, the supreme peace, the art of letting go and flowing with the current. As you breathe out, releasing the idea of control and finally finding the hiraeth. Embracing the awakened breath that naturally fills. Placing consciousness in the state of sanity; that only comes after complete breakdowns and surrender into madness. 

This is the return to Source. 

Welcome home.

-R. Short