The Unclothed

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Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe

Every Sunday, my sister and I go LIVE and talk about all things. Most of the time, we all hang out and express our gratitude for being alive, throw back a few drinks under the sun, listen to music, and truly worship our creator and GOD for all of the goodness and abundance that we have every single day.

If you’ve been hanging with us for a minute, you know that for the last five or six weeks, Molly (the sister) and I reference the book Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe by Laura Lynne Jackson like, 753 times a LIVE. And, for good reason.

This book really aided in my spiritual awakening after my daughter crossed in 2018. What’s even more wild is the way I stumbled upon this book at the library. Legit, glaring me in the face. Twice in a row., separate visits. (This is foreshadowing, FYI).

One of the moat important parts of this book is the Introduction from the author, in my opinion. She breaks down terms and how she is able to communicate and gather information from those who have crossed.

I’ve shared my notes from her Introduction below.

Society has programed us to believe that these relationships are weird, mental, evil, and unGODLY (which is ironic). That’s on purpose, babe I am tellin’ ya, once you start acknowledging these signs (after you read the book, of course) you’ll get what I am saying. This is all very real. The idea that our body and soul are different is not that insane. If you think about it, energy cannot be created nor can it be destroyed.

So, if that is the science… my question would then be: why wouldn’t that apply to our soul when we know that is, in fact, energy… do you think it just evaporates? Anyhoo, it doesn’t. Alas, Signs.

I encourage you to read the book. I really do. If you have ever had someone you love die you’re doing yourself a disservice by not reading this.

Go to the library and borrow it. Request it right now so you don’t forget. The two-weeks it may take to come in will be worth it. Or, just buy it! If you decide to buy it, I recommend hardcover but take your pick. Just an FYI, I do get a commission if you purchase through this link at no extra cost to you. Love you no matter what you choose.

Here Are My Notes From The Introduction of Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe


  1. We all have a “Team of Light” made up of

    • Spirit Guides/Guardian Angels

    • A higher angelic realm

    • GOD; based in the force of love

  2. These teams have been with us since before our souls connected with our bodies.

  3. Our job here is to literally quiet our minds so we can receive signs from this team while here

  4. The more we acknowledge these signs and synchronicities and experiences, the more they will come.

  5. We then develop our one unique language with our Team of Light.

I have to be real, I speak on this always: yellow butterflies, pennies, white feathers, dolphins on command, birds appearing the minute I request them… It’s real guys. I have a very solid relationship with my Team of Light and I pray you begin nourishing your relationship with yours. Because, they are there no matter how skeptic you feel. Love you.


  • Clairvoyance: getting visual info without use of physical eyeballs

  • Clairaudience: perceiving sounds through means other than physical ears

  • Claircognizance: knowing something that is unknowable

  • Clairsentience: feeling things through nonhuman means

  • Medium: someone who uses these gifts and tools to communicate with people who have passed (imagine a conduit for energy to flow from one place or side to another)

  • Sign: a message sent to us from GOD/Universe/Team of Light

  • Universe: GOD energy

  • Other Side: the Heaven that people speak of; true home; ruled by love and light only

  • Default signs: objects, animals, events, coins, birds, electrical disturbances, numbers etc…

  • Synchronicity: a meaningful coincidence; thinking of someone and they reach out, thinking of a song and you hear it.

If you enjoy LIVE readings, do keep an eye out on our Event Calendar in the “Main Hub” for my next one. Yesterday, Sunday the 12th, I read aloud the Introduction, Chapter 1 & 2. I plan to do a few more chapters this week. Or, if you’d like, you can RSVP here and let me know you’d like to sit in on the LIVE readings of this book. Love you!