Based in Wilmington, North Carolina, The Unclothed is an online publication written by Rachel Andorfer. Rachel’s straight-forward (and often explicit) stories reveal her earnest and genuine spirit.


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"Take a sip"

"Take a sip"

Maybe the universe is no longer testing you,
and it’s really just giving you an opportunity to stand true in what you say you are.

What if these moments…
when the universe decides to take an abrupt left turn,
or all the sudden yanks the rug out from underneath you…
What if it’s the slap in the face needed to get real present.
An invitation to get lost in gratitude.

Maybe the universe is giving you perspective
to see yourself for how truly powerful you areally are.

Maybe the universe isn’t testing you,
but rather gifting you confirmation of what truly matters.

This move. This property. This lifestyle.
It has all been such an amazing, painful, beautiful, terrible, unexpected, planned journey.
I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Because I can see the lessons, I can see the oportunities, adn teh grown that’s already happened.
I’ve been without so many things - and had to adjust accordingly.
And even when it feels like the tests are getting impossible - I know that my skills are improving.
I know that I asm learning and growing. And Ik now that as difficult as it gets sometimes…
I just got that much stronger. That more confident. That much wiser. And that much more grateful.

There’s duality in all of it. Good and bad. Dark and light. Yin and yang.
But, it all goes back tot he old saying: “Which wolf wins the batthe? The one you feed.”
Our ancestors, our elders, our guides were right about so many things.
it’s time to listen.
To separate from the material reality. Focus on what truly matters.
Find gratitude in the things that you have to do.
stop manifsting the negative and the “have nots” by constantly complaining about them.
Speak what you seek, until you seek what you speak.
Transmutation time. Way too much energy is wasted on thins that don’t matter.

Take a sip of water as though it could be your last.

- R. Short

“When Your Cords Get Plucked”

“When Your Cords Get Plucked”

Technology: Helping or Hurting Meaningful Conversation?

Technology: Helping or Hurting Meaningful Conversation?