Based in Wilmington, North Carolina, The Unclothed is an online publication written by Rachel Andorfer. Rachel’s straight-forward (and often explicit) stories reveal her earnest and genuine spirit.


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Statement of Religion and Faith | Vaccination Exemption Request

Statement of Religion and Faith | Vaccination Exemption Request

*Updated: July 21st, 2023

I’m not an attorney nor am I a physician. (I’d never want to be because I genuinely like helping people). This is not legal or medical advice.

Anyway, I often get asked how I would personally handle specific situations if I were put in them. That’s kinda my gig as a Content Creator, ya feel me?

One question I recently received was:

If you were going to nursing school and the COVID shots and boosters were required, how would you write or file a request for exemption based on being a follower of Jesus Christ?

And here is my answer.

I’d look for a different program/college. I wouldn’t want to give my money to a blatantly tyrannical government-funded institution. If any school, employer, facility, program, gym- what have you- required me to inject my body with something in order for me to gain access… it’d be a hard no from me- ha!

However, if I were to stay… here is how I would file a religious exemption request as a follower of Jesus Christ and/or Christian.

  1. I would print and fill out whatever exemption form they required/provided. They are usually on their website listed publicly. Let’s use this community college in New York as an example.

    **This form can be founded on their student health website.

  2. On page one, I would check every single box marking what vaccination(s) I will not take (all of them).

  3. I would then handwrite “SEE ATTACHED STATEMENT” in the space provided.

  4. Then, I would print and sign this statement in BLUE ink.

  5. This is going to be stapled to the back and hand delivered.

  6. I would then read and initial each space on page 2 after writing in in my own handwriting “…so long as none of my constitutional rights are violated” after every single statement, except the first one.

  7. I’d then sign, date, and pray. (Not just for protection… but for humanity.)

  8. I would then copy and/or photograph each page before dropping it off at the office or HR department.

I want to make this clear: if anything in my statement resonates with you, please note that you do have permission to duplicate any or all parts of said letter/statement. No need to purchase a copyright agreement. However, if you would like to say thanks, I would never deny the goodness and abundance the world has to offer by the grace of God. I wish you nothing but the best.

If you use this template, please be sure to email me and let me know if you were granted exemption! We’re all in this together and I pray I was able to help you in some way.

Cheers & God Bless.


I want to give a special shout-out and “thank you” to the woman who inspires me to be a better Christian. You know who you are. I couldn’t have formulated this letter without your help.

To the physicians representing America’s Frontline Doctors, thank you for the inspiration and for sharing the truth.

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