The Unclothed

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26 Questions Every Parent Should Research Prior to Injecting Their Kid

Part of “waking up” is acknowledging that Big Pharma and everything that pertains to modern/western medicine is evil. When you start piecing shit together it gets kind of overwhelming. You go through the whole “omg, I feel so guilty for injecting my kids” phase. Or, maybe you’ve always been a crunchy mom and knew better. If so, I want you to know that you are the person to which I owe an apology.

You were right. These physicians, doctors, pediatricians, whatever you wanna label them… they are corrupt. They are slowly killing our species. They are fucking all of humanity.

To all of you crunchy moms who warned us about vaccines and vaccine injuries but were ignored or disrespected: I am sorry. We are sorry.

I reached out to my friend Danielle (please, give her a quick follow) who I consider a solid source when it comes to researching this information. She put together this list of questions that every parent should research prior to submitting to injections.

Yes, this goes for all of them. Believe it or not, you do have the right to choose. This, my friends, is called medical freedom here in the United States.

That said, here are 26 questions you need to research and/or ask yourself before submitting to vaccines/injections.

A note from Danielle: You should always research before injecting yourself or your child. That goes for the vitamin K injection as well as the Rhogam. I recommend that prior to submitting to the injections, you read every insert. Not the little flyer the nurse hands you but the actual documentation from the manufacturer. Read the excipient list for each vaccine/injection and research each ingredient individually. After all, there should be a purpose for every ingredient, right? What is the purpose and risk associated for each ingredient?

1.       What viruses do we vaccinate for?

2.       Has the theory of herd immunity ever been tested on a vaccinated population or is it a theory based on natural immunity?

3.       Is death or SIDs listed on the vaccine insert as a potential side effect? At what ages is SIDs most common?

4.       What are the symptoms of the virus for which you’re receiving a vaccine? What are the chances of death for that virus in the age group? When did instances of the virus begin to decline vs when was the vaccine available wide-scale?

5.       What diseases were classified as “polio” prior to the vaccine? Are these diseases still around? What happened with the oral polio vaccine?

6.       Why do we no longer use the DPT or smallpox vaccines?

7.       Can people vaccinated for pertussis spread pertussis more easily because they are more likely to be asymptomatic?

8.       How long were the clinical trials? How many days post vaccination were participants monitored for adverse reactions?

9.       Are there additional risks if the person being vaccinated has an MTHFR gene mutation?

10.   Can the manufacturer be sued if a vaccine causes death or injury? Has the manufacturer had previous lawsuits for the products that aren’t liability free?

11.   Has the entire childhood schedule or any part of the childhood schedule been tested together? Any studies on giving more than one vaccine at a time? Any studies on long term (30+ years) effects?

12.   What placebo is used in clinical trials? Is it saline or another vaccine? Why are vaccines not held to the same gold standard of testing that other medications are?

13.   Are any of the injections recommended for pregnant women tested on pregnant women?

14.   Have any of the vaccines been tested for carcinogenic, mutagenic, or reproductive effects?

15.   Do doctors get a bonus or kickback for having a percentage of their patients fully vaccinated per the CDC schedule?

16.   How can an unvaccinated child spread a disease they do not have?

17.   Can live virus vaccines shed? Should recently vaccinated individuals stay away from the immunocompromised?

18.   How is a vaccine determined to be effective?

19.   What is the FDA limit for aluminum toxicity and how much aluminum are in the combined 18-month vaccines?

20.   What is VAERs? Did you know it is a federal crime, punishable by prison time, to file a false VAERs report?

21.   What are the benefits of contracting these diseases naturally (measles, chicken pox, mumps, etc)? Did you know contracting these childhood diseases can be protective against many different types of cancer later in life?

22.   Why has there been a drastic increase in autoimmune disorders, autism, ADHD, allergies, asthma, and cancer?

23.    Is a child’s immune system developed enough prior to one year to produce antibodies? If not, why are we vaccinating children under one year?

24.   Why do infants receive the same dose as an adult?

25.   How is injecting neurotoxins different from ingesting them?

26.   Have you ever spoken to the parent of a vaccine injured child?

I’ll end with this. In the few studies done on vaccinated vs unvaccinated individuals, the results consistently show that unvaccinated individuals are overall healthier than their vaccinated counterparts. I recommend reading “Dissolving Illusions” by Suzanne Humphreys and “Miller's Review of Critical Vaccine Studies”.  At the end of the day, the choice to inject is yours. I just pray that when you make your decision, its an educated one.