The Unclothed

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“When Your Cords Get Plucked”

You feel it.
That bubble of energy and emotion.
Something struck your hurt. 
Plucked a cord. 
And it just vibrates. 

Now the challenge…
Don’t react, because as long as you feel that vibration,
anything going forward is straight shadow. 
Egos don’t like their nerves hit. 

It feels like something is rattling your bones. 
It feels like your body will explode from the inside out. 
Because you’re not releasing that energy the way you’re used to. 
And it starts to seep everywhere.

You know the feeling…

That pull in your gut. 

That racing heart. 

That shortness of breath.

Then you feel it in the back of your eyes, 
tears forming in preparation of the great flood.
Blood starts to pump and tingle the tip of your nose. 

All of the sudden you have restless legs. You feel like you have to move. 
It’s that knot in your throat that you can’t swallow. 
It’s the words and scenarios running through your head. 
It’s the back corners of your jaw tightening,
because you’re blocking the words you know will cut deep.

The urge to pass that anger and hurt on, is a great temptation. 
Meanwhile, you spiral into a compound inception of 
emotion, guilt, and self-prosecution.
Choosing to feel all of it and let it go without giving into it - isn’t something for the weak. 

It’s the most uncomfortable feeling in the universe. 
And you have to do it alone.

- R. Short