Based in Wilmington, North Carolina, The Unclothed is an online publication written by Rachel Andorfer. Rachel’s straight-forward (and often explicit) stories reveal her earnest and genuine spirit.


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Cleaner That Won’t Kill My Family- Yay!

Cleaner That Won’t Kill My Family- Yay!

Once you “wake up” you see the world so differently. From the food you eat, the people you associate with… to the products you have in your home. (I mean, if you have a conscience anyway…)

I just made a TikTok yesterday about how it feels like we get these “magic glasses” upon waking up.

With those magic glasses, it’s like I see “poison” and “hazard material” signs everywhere. In the bread I have been feeding my kids. In the cleaners I use to wipe my counters. The toothpaste I have been swishing around in my mouth for over 30-years. My deodorant. The candles I light when I’m trying to vibe out but now can’t stop thinking about how fucked the ingredients are.

It’s just all right there in my face now, ya know?

Anyway. As you probably know, I homeschool my second grader. Today, we made an all-natural household cleaner from scratch.

We had a storm the other night and branches fell- so we used those. We plucked the green needles from the fallen branches and removed the little cap things on the end.

We rinsed them and stuffed them all into a jar. Filled the jar with white vinegar, a sprinkle of cinnamon, and then I had half a lemon left in the fridge- so I cut that up and stuffed it in as well.

In one month, I’ll have a big ass jar of cleaner that won’t kill my family! Yay!

UPDATE: MAY 11TH, 2022

We frickin love this cleaner. I mean, I’ll be honest.. it does still have a scent of vinegar. If we use too much of it in a little space I get a little “eh” about it. But, I feel like with practice I will get better at the ratios. Maybe I’ll toss in some rubbing alcohol and/or water with it next time and see what happens. Either way, I loved making it. Charlie and I had a blast picking the needles. It was easy. It’s a lifestyle change that is easy to do and switch-out.

What are your thoughts?

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