Based in Wilmington, North Carolina, The Unclothed is an online publication written by Rachel Andorfer. Rachel’s straight-forward (and often explicit) stories reveal her earnest and genuine spirit.


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The Throat Chakra: Fifth

The Throat Chakra: Fifth


Throat, Vishuddha






Self-expression, expansion, hearing

Body Parts

  • thyroid gland

  • larynx

  • trachea

  • ears

  • nose

  • teeth

  • mouth

  • throat

  • carotid arteries

Words Associated

Authenticity, communication, creativity, self-expression, inner freedom, judgement

Signs You’re Balanced

  • you’re confident in your expression

  • you’re a clear communicator

  • you’re creative

  • you’re diplomatic

Signs of a Blockage

  • you can’t express yourself

  • you don’t speak out

  • you feel misunderstood

  • you’re secretive

  • you’re not a good listener

Signs of Over-Activity

  • you’re opinionated

  • you’re loud

  • you’re critical

  • you’re gossipy

  • you yell or talk over others

  • you use harsh words

Helpful Crystals

  1. Aquamarine: this is the most powerful stone for opening the throat chakra; it brings it into alignment.

  2. Turquoise: promotes spiritual connection; paves the way for the soul to express itself.

  3. Blue Lace Agate: this facilitates the expression of spiritual and personal truths

  4. Lapis Lazuli: emphasizes the power of the spoken word; it brings harmony and creates a homeostasis state between our mind, emotions, body, and spirit.

Essential Oils

  • Sage

  • Bergamont

  • Chamomile

Holy Shit! This Song Gives Me Goosebumps

Holy Shit! This Song Gives Me Goosebumps

Cleaner That Won’t Kill My Family- Yay!

Cleaner That Won’t Kill My Family- Yay!