Based in Wilmington, North Carolina, The Unclothed is an online publication written by Rachel Andorfer. Rachel’s straight-forward (and often explicit) stories reveal her earnest and genuine spirit.


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29 Affirmations For: Mamas

29 Affirmations For: Mamas

How To Use: We prefer having a special notebook for these. You can find cute, inexpensive ones at TJMaxx or HomeGoods or even 5 Below, if you’re lucky. Date the top of the page. Then, start writing them down. Say them aloud as you write them. Do them as often as you see fit. Want to know the cool thing? Your intuition will guide you. You’ll know when its time to move on to another category. Just watch.

Mamas, These Affirmations Are For You

  • I will be an intentional parent.

  • I respect my children; I respect myself.

  • I might not see it now but the time I’m investing in my kid’s does matter.

  • I will let go of how I think today is supposed to go and accept how it imperfectly happens.

  • I don’t have to be a perfect mom.

  • Everything is exactly the way it needs to be in order to learn the lessons I need the most.

  • I am grateful.

  • Being a mom has revealed a strength in me I never knew I had.

  • I forgive myself for being an imperfect parent.

  • Today I will let go of the guilt weighing on my shoulders.

  • I am courageous and I stand up for myself.

  • My job at home is worth millions.

  • Taking care of myself is a responsibility I will model to my children without guilt.

  • My life is just beginning.

  • I can overcome any obstacles that get in my way.

  • Taking care of myself makes me a better mom and I give myself permission to do something to nurture me.

  • I am the architect of my life; I build its foundation and choose its contents.

  • I was created to be my children’s mom. I am the best mom for them.

  • Today I am enthusiastic and full of energy.

  • I will show my children what it means to take care of yourself.

  • I won’t be sleep-deprived forever.

  • Today I will see the best in myself and my children.

  • I do not expect to be a perfect mother.

  • As I teach my kids today, I will also be open to the lessons they can teach me.

  • One bad day does not make me a bad mom. One bad day makes me human.

  • Taking care of myself makes me a better mom because I parent from abundance, not from lack thereof.

  • As a mom, I am doing my best, and my best is good enough.

  • My home is a safe place.

  • Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.

Grounding Is A Real Thing And You Should Do It. Sincerely, Yo Mama

Grounding Is A Real Thing And You Should Do It. Sincerely, Yo Mama

9 Affirmations For: Protection

9 Affirmations For: Protection