Grounding Is A Real Thing And You Should Do It. Sincerely, Yo Mama
It’s funny that I used to lowkey make fun of tree-huggers as if they weren’t the most conscientious, wise, grounded humans on the planet.
Thankfully, I am one now and still have that perception of them. Grounding, aka going barefoot, has quickly become one of my favorite things to do.
(I mean, who am I kidding?! I’ve always been a barefoot kinda gal but now it’s intentional and more often if you know what I mean).
Here is a video I posted that explains it perfectly.
I mean, think about it. The douches who want to keep us vibrating at low frequencies, sick, miserable, and un-grounded are the ones who came up with shoes in the first place, right?
It’d almost be ironic if they named that “insulator” that prevents us from grounding: “sole” like… our “soul” can’t connect to its power source.
Anyway, grounding is cool. You should do it at least 5 times a day.
Yo Mama (me). ☺️🤟🏼☀️