The Unclothed

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Operation "Restore"

Alright, homie. You asked for it. (Well, kinda…)

The parasite cleanse is going down.

Its time. Along with a heavy metals cleanse.

If you have no idea why there’s been so much hype lately surrounding “gut health” and “parasite cleanses” … well, its because of “the great awakening.”

That shit isn’t a joke. The world is awake. TikTok was the torch that welded us together. That’s how I crossed paths with RogersHood Apothecary.

Now, I will give a little backstory so you have context. If you don’t want to read, just scroll on down to the bottom where the links are for ya.

In 2020, I woke up to just how corrupt “Big Pharma” is. Covid. The plandemic. (Then there was the Wayfair scandal. Epstein. NASA). All of it. I went down all of the holes. Everything became clear to me. Vaccines (and their injuries). The corporations behind everything. Who controls our food supply. Our money. My goodness. Its mind-fucking. ANYHOO.

We (my family) started making significant (yet small) lifestyle changes- little-by-little-over the past year. We started paying attention to the chemicals in the foods at the grocery stores. We cook all of the time. Like, at least two meals a day but usually three. We consume way less alcohol. We stopped supporting shitty entertainment companies. But one of the most fascinating changes we are making is the way we look at medicine.

Holistic health reeeally makes sense to me lately. It intrigues me because I feel like its the most detrimental to our species.

I am committed to educating myself as much as I can. I am a firm believer in the basic concept that “medicine is natural… and then you have that petroleum shit that’s killing everyone.” But, we won’t get into all of that right now.

My point is: I think holistic health- all of us learning it, having faith in it, trusting it, witnessing it- is what is going to restore humanity- quite literally.

Our human bodies aren’t meant to be so sick. So deathly. They aren’t supposed to be so frail and disordered. Children shouldn’t be dying at the rates that they are. There shouldn’t be so many prescriptions. We shouldn’t all be so GD sad. Or fat.

I just feel like we can all agree on that, right?

I mean, look around. Learn the truth. Learn why western medicine became the primary way of medical care. Or don’t, again, up to you- haha!

Anyway, parasites. Worms.

You know how doctors used to say “ope, you’ve just gotta bug!”

Yeah… hahaha.

Now, before I go any further know this: I am not a doctor. You are not to perceive this as one-on-one medical advice. This is simply me sharing my personal experience(s) and informing you of the information I have accessed over the years.

Research shows that parasites and worms have a lot to do with a good majority of our ailments.

Infertility. Thyroid problems. Sleep problems. Joint problems. Gut problems. Fucking inflammation. You name it.

I battle all of those things, btw. Ovarian cysts. Psorisis. I’ve tried all of the things. All of the pedtroleum based meds. All of the drugs. I have heard all of the same bullshit from all of the same medical institutions known today as hospitals.

And still, have flare-ups. My point is: whatever I have been doing isn’t working. I’ll be 34-years-old next month and I’m ready to feel my best. I want to conceive a biological baby with my husband before my eggs are labeled “expired.”

Western med isn’t working for me. Now, whether you relate or not I don’t know. But, I would be willing to bet that you do relate in some way. And that, my friend, is the problem.

So, this is the kit I chose: “The ParaFy Kit” from RogersHood Apothecary.

I have faith in what I have learned. But, most of all, I have faith in Kim Rogers- the woman behind the kit that I chose after looking in to this shit for over a year. (FYI: that’s me for ya. I research the shit out of everything- even the companies I buy shit from. That’s why if I were you, I would creep on me to).

Kim is frickin hilarious. She’s brilliant AF and takes absolutely zero shit from trolls because she is confident in her word. She knows what she is talking about. She worked in western medicine for nearly two-decades and has the credentials to speak on this shit. Credentials I respect because they are backed by her morality. (Anyone who worked in western medicine that admits holistic health is the way to go automatically gets ten brownie points).

Its an apothecary, so her ingredients come from the earth… which is vital to me.

There is a reason she is known as “The Worm Queen” to hundreds of thousands of people on TikTok and you need to be following her. (Now, this you can perceive as personal advice. I will take responsibility for this one).

I don’t want a damn thing to do with “BIG” anything. So if it is sold on a shelf somewhere, count me out. Unless that shelf is owned by one of you, of course. Which is why I’m out here looking to support brands and small businesses who are owned by people with some damn sense.

BIG food. BIG pharma. BIG entertainment. They can all fuck off.

I am ready to flip society on its ass. This is why I am only seeking affiliate partnerships with brands that I genuinely believe in based on what I now know and accept to be the truth.

Her apothecary is incredible. Her system is flawless and the entire vibe- from her TikTok to her website- is enlightening and humorous and honest!

For real. Click the links I have for you below. Delve in. Take a few days to look it over. Watch some videos. Ask around in the comment sections of her posts!

In the meantime, I will be working on compiling the research I have done so that I can share it with you in digestible pieces. I understand that not everybody has the time and/or resources to research the way I do. (I was raised by an award-winning journalist, what can I say. I like it. Oh, and I’m nosey. That helps too).

Anyway, I am happy to help you as long as you aren’t a douche. So, ask away. Engage. Follow along. Lets do this shit.

Cheers, friend. Love you!

*Yes, I do receive a commission if you choose to purchase from RogersHood Apothecary via a link provided in this post. This also means I get to see who is doing this with me, baby! Love you. I am here to root you on every step of the way. I will also be sharing my journey as I go right here at The Unclothed.

Links For Ya

Be sure to check that coupon code: “RESTORE” is applied.